The 1UP Arcade Bar

Web Design & Development


The goal of this project was to custom code with HTML & CSS a website redesign of an existing local business in Denver. I chose a place that I’ve visited before and would be fun and challenging to capture the concept and atmosphere of the business.

User Persona

The first step in my process was defining the user base of the site. Scraping through the business’ Google and Yelp reviews, I concluded the main user persona for the website is male and 20 to 30 years old.

Site Map

1UP Arcade’s current site navigation is cluttered and convoluted, with every page split up by locations in their drop-down menu. When mapping out the site’s navigation, I wanted the games to be the first page listed on the nav because it’s more important to visitors of the site than the appetizers offered.


I wanted the site redesign to emphasize the ambiance of the arcade bar, integrating elements of the dark, neon, and retro atmosphere of the location.

Final Site

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